AiBlock Insider Ads Policy

AiBlock Insider Ads Policy
Last Updated: 3rd August 2024
At AiBlock Insider, we strive to provide valuable content to our users while maintaining a balanced and non-intrusive advertising experience. This policy outlines our approach to advertising on our website,, in compliance with Google AdSense policies.

1. Ad Placement and Format

1.1. We will place ads in a manner that does not interfere with the user’s ability to navigate our site or access our content.

1.2. Ads will be clearly distinguishable from our content. We will not attempt to disguise ads as site content or vice versa.

1.3. We will not place more than three AdSense for content units on one page.

1.4. Ads will not be placed on pages with little to no original content.

2. Content Guidelines

2.1. We will not display ads on pages containing content that violates Google AdSense policies, including but not limited to:
– Adult content
– Shocking content
– Illegal content
– Copyrighted material without proper authorization
– Hate speech or extreme political content
– Violence or dangerous content
– Weapons-related content
– Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol-related content

2.2. We will ensure that our site’s content is family-friendly and suitable for all audiences.

3. Ad Interaction

3.1. We will not encourage users to click on ads or use language that could be considered as incentivizing clicks.

3.2. We will not implement any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on ads.

3.3. We will not alter the AdSense code in any way that could affect ad delivery or performance.

4. Site Functionality

4.1. We will ensure that our site is fully functional and free from malware or other harmful code.

4.2. We will not use pop-ups, pop-unders, or other intrusive methods that interfere with user navigation or ad visibility.

5. Privacy and Data Protection

5.1. We will comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations.

5.2. We will maintain a clear and accessible privacy policy that discloses our use of Google AdSense and how user data is collected and used.

6. Prohibited Practices

6.1. We will not engage in any form of invalid activity, including click fraud or artificial inflation of impressions.

6.2. We will not use AdSense on pages that offer incentives for users to view ads or click on links.

6.3. We will not place AdSense code on sites that are not approved in our AdSense account.

7. Compliance and Updates

7.1. We will regularly review and update our practices to ensure continued compliance with Google AdSense policies.

7.2. We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time to reflect changes in our practices or updates to Google AdSense policies.

8. Responsibility

8.1. While we strive to maintain compliance, we acknowledge that advertisers may occasionally serve ads that do not meet our guidelines. If you encounter any inappropriate ads, please report them to us immediately.

9. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about our ads policy, please contact us at:

AiBlock Insider
Email: [email protected]

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read this Ads Policy and understand that advertisements may be displayed on our website in accordance with these guidelines.